Adhesive Bond Tensile Fixture (ASTM D897)

Fig. 1: Tensile grips per ASTM D897
ASTM Standard D897 (Reference 1) is an old test method (first published in 1949), originally developed for the determination of the tensile properties of metal-to-metal adhesive bonds. It was intended primarily as a comparative test. Its use has now been extended to other adherends also, including composite materials.
The tensile grips are shown in Fig. 1. The grips are to be threaded directly into self-aligning male-thread fittings in the base and crosshead of the testing machine.
The test adherends are 1.129 in. in diameter (to result in a bond area of 1 square inch, thus simplifying calculations), with 1 7/8 in. diameter, 1/4 in. thick collars that slide into the side cutouts in the grips. The breaking load is recorded, being the tensile strength of the adhesive bond.
Source of Additional Information:
1) ASTM Standard D897-08 (2008), "Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Adhesive Bonds," American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania (first published in 1949).