Lockheed F-22 Test Fixtures

Fig. 1: C-31 modified A-11 compression test fixture.
Many types of compression test fixtures have been devised for use with composite materials over the years. Most of these were initially company standards that gradually gained more widespread use and acceptance. The Boeing specifications and related test fixtures, presented elsewhere on this web site, are important examples.
Other examples include the Lockheed Martin F-22 Program test methods, documented in Lockheed Martin Process Specification 5PTPTT01-A (Reference 1). Although not in as common usage as some of the Boeing fixtures, they can also be fabricated by Wyoming Test Fixtures, Inc. The cost of such "limited production" fixtures is not significantly higher than that of more widely used fixtures.

Fig. 2: A-11 edge stabilized compression test fixture.

Fig. 3: A-11 method 4 compression test fixture.
Sources of Additional Information:
1) Process Specification 5PTPTT01-A, "Standard Test Methods for Composites," Lockheed Corporation, March 1994.